
President's column

Improving population planning and management was the hot topic at Wednesday's COAG meeting of First Ministers, which I attended as local government's representative.

It seems everyone has an opinion on population, and that would be reasonable given its far reaching consequences - be it pressures on infill, or fringe areas of the city being developed and farmland being consumed, or even the development of fringe suburbs without the proximity of jobs.


Adelaide gets new city deal

On 12 December 2018, the Australian and South Australian governments signed a Memorandum of Understanding, agreeing to develop a city deal for Adelaide.

Key to the new Adelaide City Deal will be an Australian Space Agency, to be located at the old Royal Adelaide Hospital site, with the Federal Government committing to invest $41 million into the agency.


NGA19: ALGA calling for motions!

ALGA is now calling for Notices of Motions for the National General Assembly 2019 (NGA).

The NGA will be celebrating 25 years in 2019! Over the past 25 years, the NGA has provided a platform for local government to address national issues and lobby the federal government on critical issues facing our sector.


ALGA federal election advocacy focus: Address the South Australian road funding anomaly

For many years, there has been a shortfall in the level of funding to South Australian councils under the Identified Roads Component of their Financial Assistance Grants (FAGs).

This funding is immensely important to helping South Australian councils keep their roads safe for motorists by upgrading and maintaining their local road networks.

Latest News


Financial Assistance Grants 1% message resonates in Canberra

ALGA's federal election document has called for the repair of federal funding to local government by restoring the level of Financial Assistance Grants


Empower local governments to deliver better outcomes for their communities

As Australia's population grows, we need to improve the way we plan to provide infrastructure in our cities. Between 2017 and 2047, Australia's population is projected


Commonwealth must not take back seat on new waste policy

ALGA has urged for continued national leadership from the Commonwealth to ensure consistent policy for waste management and resource recovery at all levels of government

Happy Holidays from the ALGA team

The team at ALGA would like to wish you a happy and safe holiday season! We would like to thank all our readers and advertisers for your support during the year

Moira Shire, VIC, improves B-double access for harvest

A need for more efficient movement of commodities during harvest season was the motivation for Moira Shire's decision to grant increased access for B-doubles within its road network

53 days to go until Safer Internet Day 2019

Safer Internet Day (SID) is an annual, worldwide event held on Tuesday 5 February 2019 to help encourage a better internet


Financial Assistance Grants 1% message resonates in Canberra

ALGA's federal election document has called for the repair of federal funding to local government by restoring the level of Financial Assistance Grants


Empower local governments to deliver better outcomes for their communities

As Australia's population grows, we need to improve the way we plan to provide infrastructure in our cities. Between 2017 and 2047, Australia's population is projected


Commonwealth must not take back seat on new waste policy

ALGA has urged for continued national leadership from the Commonwealth to ensure consistent policy for waste management and resource recovery at all levels of government

Happy Holidays from the ALGA team

The team at ALGA would like to wish you a happy and safe holiday season! We would like to thank all our readers and advertisers for your support during the year

Moira Shire, VIC, improves B-double access for harvest

A need for more efficient movement of commodities during harvest season was the motivation for Moira Shire's decision to grant increased access for B-doubles within its road network

53 days to go until Safer Internet Day 2019

Safer Internet Day (SID) is an annual, worldwide event held on Tuesday 5 February 2019 to help encourage a better internet


Bridge Renewal Program Round 4 Awards are due out soon

How can you keep the funds and work in your local community?

InQuik supplies lightweight, preassembled bridge structure components (decks, abutments, wing walls and headstocks/bladepiers). Our "place and pour" methodology means that an InQuik Bridge can be installed by semi-skilled labour in 2-3 days over a 2 week project timeline. This ease of construction enables council road crews to install the bridge themselves, and maximises the use of local resources (labour, contractors, concrete, crane hire, etc).

Upgrading a single lane timber bridge to a dual lane InQuik integral bridge (12m span, 8.1m-wide, 1.0m-high abutments)? Prices start from $123,000+GST (+delivery).

InQuik manufacturing is based out of Newcastle, NSW. The products are made using Australian steel, and they're certified by SMEC to comply with AS5100 (2017) Bridge Design code, with T44 (68 tonne) and SM1600 load ratings available.

Check out some example projects:

Email or call 0419 167 680.