
President's column

Today I will be attending what is set to be an interesting Smart Cities Summit focused on liveable cities and city deals, and on exploring the link between transport infrastructure and urban development in the innovative financing and value capture of infrastructure. This summit will be crucial to the development of a cities policy ahead of a Federal election this year.

ALGA welcomes the Government's recognition of the importance of a cities policy in Australia’s economic future


FAGs indexation front and centre of ALGA election plan

ALGA's election plan launched last week is seeking the support of all political parties and their candidates for the immediate restoration of the indexation of Financial Assistance Grants (FAGs).

The decision in the 2014-15 Federal Budget to freeze the indexation of the FAGs until 2017-18 is having significant long-term impacts on councils, undermining equitable access to facilities and services.

Over the three-year freeze, almost $1 billion will have been taken out of communities


One-week extension to NGA early bird rates!

The early bird rates for the National General Assembly (NGA), which were set to close next week, have now been extended for a further week to Friday 13 May 2016. This will give councils additional time to register their attendance at the NGA at the special early bird rate of $929, offering a substantial saving compared to the standard registration of $1,029.

The NGA will be held in Canberra from 19 to 22 June.

Latest News


IPART reviews local government rating system in NSW

The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has this week held a public hearing


Local communities essential for helping young people find work

To reduce youth unemployment, education and labour market policies must go beyond


Councils step up for Heart Week

Ahead of Heart Week celebrations from May 1 to 7, local councils continue to work closely

Digital connectivity in regional Australia improving

Being online is integral to the everyday lives of many Australians. While those living in major capital cities have greater levels of connectivity

Will your council be represented at the SCOA conference?

The Settlement Council of Australia is holding a conference to discuss the impact of the global domain on communities, societies and active citizenship.

Nominations open for 2016 Play Your Part Awards

Is there someone in your community who is doing something inspiring to promote the safety and wellbeing of children and young people?


IPART reviews local government rating system in NSW

The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has this week held a public hearing


Local communities essential for helping young people find work

To reduce youth unemployment, education and labour market policies must go beyond


Councils step up for Heart Week

Ahead of Heart Week celebrations from May 1 to 7, local councils continue to work closely

Digital connectivity in regional Australia improving

Being online is integral to the everyday lives of many Australians. While those living in major capital cities have greater levels of connectivity

Will your council be represented at the SCOA conference?

The Settlement Council of Australia is holding a conference to discuss the impact of the global domain on communities, societies and active citizenship.

Nominations open for 2016 Play Your Part Awards

Is there someone in your community who is doing something inspiring to promote the safety and wellbeing of children and young people?



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2016 NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY: Partners in an Innovative and Prosperous Australia

The NGA Registration Brochure is now available, download your copy here.

Under the theme Partners in an Innovative and Prosperous Australia, delegates at this year's National General Assembly of Local Government (NGA) will look at the many ways local government is being innovative both here and overseas. As a responsive, pragmatic and dynamic level of government, councils innovate with technology, with their resources and in practical ways within their organisations and communities.

The NGA brings our sector together providing a platform for thought provoking discussion and serious consideration of the development of policies on issues of national significance. This year, the NGA will celebrate and examine the key role of local government in helping to build the economy and sustainable communities of the future. Through the NGA, delegates will be able to learn from the ideas and experiences of other councils and gain valuable ideas for their own councils.

Local government is a pragmatic and hands-on level of government.  Our focus is the provision of services, infrastructure, planning and coordination at the local level.

Register your attendance at this year's NGA here.